After realising that a guitar wasn't universal enough I went onto looking at something all musicians used therefore started drawing out ideas for microphones.The top idea was drawn using oil pastel and liked the idea from the start. I then started photographing a microphone i had against a blank wall. The only problem is i wanted to get the wire in which was hard as i had to hold it.When finished i took the image into Photoshop and used the pen tool to create an outline for the handle. The ball bit of the microphone at the end i created a perfect sphere and placed it next to the handle. To make it look like a union jack I duplicated the layer changed the colour to red and overlapped it . I then used an image of a union jack flag spherized it on Photoshop and selected all the white and blue bits and cut them out of the necessary spheres. I then added a few shapes and used Gaussian bluer to give it a bit of depth. I tried several font but settled on a font downloaded from called coolvetica which I believe to be a variant of helvetica . I decided to make it look slightly more modern by keeping it in lower-case and made all the text white to go over the mic shape.Even though i spent a lot of time and really wanted to use a mic in my final design i was really not very happy with the outcome for this and decided to try again .I wanted to do the logo like i drew it but realised people might think its a logo for a sperm donation clinic.
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